Member-only story
Fascinated by how the best do not necessarily succeed in life, I began to study the theory for success. While I do not claim to have discovered the holy grail, I do believe that I have been able to distill a formula for success that, if applied, will help anyone succeed.
#1. Success does not necessarily go to the most qualified. As time and space matters, opportunities more often than not go to the individual who is seen as the most qualified when the opportunity arises.
#2. Visibility is an important element in being successful. Higher and more persistent visibility increases the probability that when the opportunity arises, your name will come to mind. This visibility must however work in tandem with your personal brand as people’s perception of you matter. Working at the subconscious level, personal branding work in concert with and visibility to achieve the appropriate top-of-the-mind recall.
#3. The third element for success is credibility. Even as people think of you when the opportunity arises, it is your credibility that will ultimately determine if the opportunity will be offered to you. Your ability to deliver is important and deliberate efforts need to be taken to build your reputation as someone who is experienced, qualified and skilled, and able to make things happen.
[(Visibility x Branding) x Credibility] = Success