Retirement Guru: Don’t Thrash It — Turn Clutter into Cash!

CW Fong
1 min readAug 24, 2024

During pre-retirement, decluttering is an important step in retirement planning. Decluttering allows us to simplify our lives, free up space in our homes, and reduce expenses.

However, the instinct to simply discard items is common. Instead, why not take a smarter approach? Use Carousell to sell those items instead. While the individual sales might seem small, they can add up to a significant amount over time — potentially a few thousand dollars.

For instance, I recently sold an unused helmet camera for $70. That $70 could have bought my wife and me a nice meal, or better yet, I could invest it and watch it grow. Assuming an annual return of 10%, in 10 years that $70 could become $181.56. I know it is not a fortune, but it is certainly more than nothing.

So, before you toss out your clutter, list it on Carousell for 30 days. You will be surprised by the hidden value in your unwanted items. Don’t throw away potential cash — turn your clutter into a little extra income for retirement.



CW Fong

I blog therefore I am. Passionate about #Singapore, #Leadership, #PublicRelations, #SocialMedia, #Marketing, and #PersonalDevelopment. Above all, I do no evil