Retirement Guru: The 3 ETFs I Will Invest In If I Had $5,000 To Lose

CW Fong
4 min read2 days ago

Nothing ventured, nothing gained

Though it may seem crazy, taking risks is essential to achieving gains. As I enter the Pre-Retirement Phase of my life (age 55 to 65), I am still gainfully employed. This allows me to make high-risk investments without jeopardizing my retirement nest egg — provided I limit the risk to no more than 10% of my capital.

Making some high-risk investments has two advantages. Firstly, it increases my average monthly returns by off-setting the…



CW Fong

I blog therefore I am. Passionate about #Singapore, #Leadership, #PublicRelations, #SocialMedia, #Marketing, and #PersonalDevelopment. Above all, I do no evil