Singaporean Matters: Unity of intentions, not unity of actions.

Our new north star

CW Fong
2 min readJul 23, 2024

Recently, I found myself in a thoughtful conversation with some young Singaporeans, and it struck me how much our society is evolving — I might even argue has evolved. The once fundamental belief that unity of action is essential for Singapore’s success is foreign to the new generation of Singaporeans.

Reflecting on this, I see how far we have come as a nation. We have moved from a time when success meant having a roof over our heads, a television, a car, and a stable corporate job. Today, success is defined by owning a luxurious home, the latest gadgets, exotic cars, and pursuing careers that fulfill our deepest passions. We have transitioned from being equally poor to unequally rich.

Speaking with these youths, I believe Singapore’s continued success will require a profound shift in our collective mindset. We need to embrace the concept of unity of intention over unity of actions. Success can no longer be about uniformity — where everyone strives for the same goals, like the 5Cs. Instead, our success must now be rooted in a collective commitment to the greater good of our society, where each person achieves their own version of success while being united by a common purpose. This unity of intentions will empower individuals to contribute in ways that…



CW Fong

I blog therefore I am. Passionate about #Singapore, #Leadership, #PublicRelations, #SocialMedia, #Marketing, and #PersonalDevelopment. Above all, I do no evil