We can no longer trust our eyes and ears

The dangers of deep fakes

CW Fong
2 min readMar 31, 2023

Deep fakes are increasingly prevalent in today's society. Leveraging AI, videos, images, and audio can be manipulated to spread misinformation and disinformation.

As our society relies heavily on social media for information, advances in deep fake technology will only increase the dangers of alternative facts. Protecting our society will require three things:

1. a collective awareness of deep fake technology and what it is capable of
2. a skeptical public that verifies what they see and hear online
3. the presence of credible sources of information

While not foolproof, here are five tips to help you identify a deep fake:

  • Look for inconsistencies: The first step to identifying a deep fake is to look for inconsistencies in the video or image. Deep fakes are not perfect, and there will be some inconsistencies that can give them away. For example, the lighting or shadows may be different in some parts of the video or image. The person’s movements or facial expressions may also appear unnatural or robotic.
  • Pay attention to facial movements: Facial movements are one of the most challenging things to get right in deep fakes. Therefore, it is essential to pay…



CW Fong
CW Fong

Written by CW Fong

I blog therefore I am. Passionate about #Singapore, #Leadership, #PublicRelations, #Retirement, and #PersonalDevelopment. Above all, I do no evil

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